Monday, January 17, 2011

The Best of Intentions

Yesterday and last night all I was hearing on the news was how bad the weather was going to be today. Checked my go-to weather website ( saw the Winter Weather Advisory: Hazardous Weather Outlook. So I assumed we would have a delay this morning. Yet, I still packed all my things so I would be ready to go in the morning. I am a firm believer that if you plan for a snow day, it wont happen. Always did my homework and such because I knew if I didn't and planned on not having to go to school, the snow or ice would miraculously just not show up. I digress.
So, my body woke me up at 4 am to check the district website. No little yellow square. Alarm woke me up at 5 am, checked again, no little yellow square. I checked the weather, maybe it didn't happen? Nope, noaa told me it was happening. Snow, icy rain, etc. But no cancellation or delay. Hmm maybe it's not that bad in Greenwich. So I get up, get ready and check just ONE more time to be sure. Still no little yellow square telling me there's a delay or cancellation. So I leave the house to head to boot camp. About 2 inches of that icy type snow on the ground and on my car. I cleaned off my car by using my coat sleeve, did't feel like doing the whole deal. Got in, drove off. Even checked my brakes by slamming on them in the driveway to be sure if things got super slippery my car wouldn't fail me. I do that sometimes. It left a skid mark but did a good job. The roads were not good. Slippery and not really plowed or salted. I trudged on, got on the highway and proceeded to go about 30 mph on 95. As I was reaching for my chapstick in my purse, I noticed it was vibrating. Oliver was calling. I answered. "Hey babe, Greenwich schools are closed, turn around and come home." WHAT?! I JUST checked! I believe I called the decision makers Mo's (like moron) and continued to have an inner battle of whether or not I should miss boot camp. Oliver is all about me and boot camp, so if he says I should come home, I feel like he's probably right. But I still wasn't sure. I thought I'd go and see how the roads were in Stamford, see if maybe I could park at the top of the boot camp driveway because they are notorious for not plowing or salting. But Oliver seemed adamant that I should make sure I was safe. So, I got off an exit in Darien and turned around to get back on 95 North. Both of which were semi-treacherous. I think I made the right decision, but I still hate to miss boot camp if it wasn't cancelled. I am gonna try really hard to make myself go to the gym today once the roads are better.

Week Three

Gooood morning week three! So, today is a holiday, no work. But, as my boot camp instructor said on Friday, "It might be a national holiday, but it's not a boot camp holiday." So, all weekend I have been preparing myself to get up and go even if I don't have to continue my day by going to the gym to shower, going to work, etc. I woke up at 4:57. Then for three minutes I guess I was half asleep, then freaked out when my alarm went off at 5. Hate that half-between-sleep part of waking up. I knew I was awake and didn't have to get up for three more minutes so I just stayed where I was and waited for the alarm to go off. Then when it did I jumped like I didn't know it was coming. Silly Keek. So I got up, got dressed (with my new arch support socks!) got in the car and off I went. Of course I called Oliver to whine and complain about not wanting to go, he told me that wasn't a good attitude and I argued that it didn't matter what kind of attitude I had, I was in the car on the way there, so what does it matter if I don't wanna go? I was going! But then, right after we got off the phone, who else but my girl Kelly Clarkson came on the radio! I blasted it and called him back to tell him that "now I am ready and wanna go!!!!" so he put the radio on the same station in his patrol car and we listened together for a minute:) Kelly always knows when I need her. So I was pumped and ready to go. Unfortunately today was super hard. There were only 10 of us there (normally 20-25) and it seemed like she was punishing us for the others not being there. We started with jumping jacks (which I hate...not necessarily the motion, but just the fact that my chest region isn't what you might call small and jumping up and down is just annoying) then went on to suicides, right away, THAT was the warm up. We did a ladder, so five of us did 1 suicide while the other half did jumping jacks, then we switched, then did 2 suicides, jumping jacks, 3 suicides, jumping jacks, then back down; 2 suicides, jacks, 1, jacks. UGH! I mean that was even difficult to TYPE, just think about actually doing it! After that we did some ab series and leg stuff on the ground, some wall sits, whatever whatever. At one point she told us to switch something and I guess I must have had an evil evil face on because she was like "whoa Caitlyn, don't look at me like that! You look like you want to kill me." Ha, I guess maybe I did at that point! But I didn't mean to look at her like that:)
Anyhow, I made it through another day. Then I drove home, got my new camera and went to the beach to take some sunrise pics. It was so fun using the super zoom lens and switching things up to take some pretty cool pics.
It's supposed to ice tomorrow morning, and if so that means no boot camp. And that really throws me off. Especially because I will be babysitting tomorrow and wont even be able to go to the gym after work instead of boot camp work out. I just need boot camp to happen 5 times a week the way it's supposed to.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Week Two

Welcome to week two of boooootcampppp! Not sure why I had so much energy at 5:00 this morning, but I did and I guess I shouldn't question it! Not that I was excited to be up that early, or to be going to push my body to it's limits, but I just was...awake I guess. I called Oliver on the way to boot camp (he's on the overnight tour, which means he works til 8 a.m. so of course he is up and probably the only other person I know that is awake) and said "gooooood morning!!!!!" He seemed pretty stoked that I was excited and not calling this time to ask him to just tell me I can do it, I can make it one more day, etc.
It wasn't that bad today. My soreness has almost disappeared and I asked our stand-in instructor (regular one is off running a half marathon somewhere in Florida) if I was over the super soreness part of this boot camp deal. He said probably not. Awesome. However, one of the other women in the class said the SUPER soreness is over, but I will still be sore. That's fine with me, I don't mind being sore from a workout, but the way I was last week? NO thank you! It took me until Saturday to be able to go up and down the stairs and in and out of my car without cringing in pain. I want my body to get used to this and crave it like it usually craves chocolate and potato chips. I even wanted to go to yoga at my gym this weekend, but...I slept through it. Guess that's what happens when I am up at 5 all week. (except that I did wake up at 4:56 a.m. on Saturday...but then went back to bed around 9 and missed the 11:00 yoga class..oops) So I got on our ancient stationary bike that serves mostly as a coat rack, peddled for a little while then did some stretching and wall squats with my exercise ball. I probably did all of the above in about 20 minutes, so don't be impressed. I am kind of wishing that this boot camp didn't cost so much regularly (without my LivingSocial deal) so that I could continue for longer than a month. Even though I am hoping it will make me WANT to be more active, I know that I am better at knowing I HAVE to be somewhere and that there are people there that can hold me accountable. When this is over, I think I will want to go to the gym, but I know myself and I honestly don't know if I actually will go....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Still Standing...

Standing, yes...any other type of movement? Not so much. Today was day three of the new routine. Day three of waking up at 5, boot camping til 6:45, then working. I also nanny on Tuesdays. If you can call it that! My favorite Greenwich family consisting of three little girls, whom I have known since the youngest (now almost 3) was in mommy's belly. I adore these girls, their parents and spending time with them. So, every Tuesday I pick the older two up from school, go home to the little one and hang out with them until after dinnertime. Anyhow, point is, yesterday was my first boot camp AND babysitting Tuesday. Which made for a rough Wednesday 5 a.m. I was exhausted at work and ready to pass out around 2:00. It's now 3:30 and I think that means pajama time.
However, I will admit my legs are a TINY bit less sore, but that's not saying much. I am such a baby. At boot camp today we did suicides, which is like the pacer test you do in gym class where there are six lines a few feet apart and you have to run back and forth to each one, bend down and touch it, then run back to the start point (i.e. run, touch line one, run back to start, run touch line two, run back to start, etc.) We also did more squats, some mountain climbers, jumping jacks, yadda yadda. Needless to say, today was day three of bootcamp, but day one of Caitlyn needing to use her inhaler. Ugh. I have exercise induced asthma and I rarely need my inhaler. I don't like taking it because it makes me shake, so mostly I just talk myself down from asthma attacks when working out, or just not work out at all! ha...Anyhow, it takes a lot for me to need it. Usually when running or swimming. The second round of suicides were what did it to me this time. But there I was, floundering through sprints, wall sits and push ups. Point being I was there. And I will continue to be there. Until this session is over. Which on the website currently says "January 3-TBA" Awesome.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Boot Camp

So, here we are another however many ridiculous months since either of us posted. This blog is an outlet, so here's me letting out some things. About a month or so ago there was an ad on LivingSocial (if you don't use it, get started now!!) for Fairfield County Adventure Boot Camp. As I always do before purchasing a LivingSocial deal, I went to the website, researched it and decided it was a fantastic opportunity. One month of unlimited boot camp (normally almost $300) I got for about $80. It is a women-only exercise program that during spring and summer months, is outside, pilates on the beach, jogging on trails, etc. That part intrigued me, however, I joined when it is winter so we are inside. Anyhow, it was very enticing, for all ages, weights and physical fitness. No two days the same, all sorts of workouts, all you need to bring is 5lb weights, a workout mat and yourself. (I had everything on that list.) I signed up for the January session at the end of November because I thought starting in the new year would jump start me back into my workout routine (which I pretty much fell out of MONTHS ago.) This was also even before we moved our wedding date up 5 months! So thank goodness I signed up! The session is five days a week for one hour beginning at 5:45 a.m. Crazy? YES! I don't have to get up for work until 7 a.m. Now, I will be waking up at 5ish and going to do crazy things to my body. Yeah, yeah I know it's healthy and I am excited about the health benefits. But after day one this morning, I am soooo sore already. Usually I don't get sore until the day after working out, but today...SUPER sore. To the point where I arrived at work and had to walk up the stairs from the parking lot and could barely make it up the 12 steps. My legs were shaking during the workout and continued to feel like jelly for a while, until the soreness set in and my muscles became tight. Not sure how I am gonna make it tomorrow! Also, let me mention the fact that there is no shower facility at this boot camp, so I could either drive the 10 miles back north on 95 to get ready for work at home, or drive the 2 miles to my gym in the same town to shower. So I chose the latter. However, this morning I forgot a towel. Had to dry off with a sweatshirt I had in my gym bag (it was clean, don't worry.) Then I sat in the sauna to dry off completely. Ugh. Needless to say, towel will be the first thing I pack tonight. I'll keep you updated with how this whole thing goes. The goal is to get somewhat back into shape with these 5-day 5 a.m. workouts so that when my boot camp is finished, I will WANT to go to the gym after work (or maybe even before depending on how this whole early-morning thing goes.) So, here's to hoping my plan works! (and I don't become cripple in the mean time.)