Thursday, February 12, 2015

My Gift

So, I am in the early process of working on a special project for Kennerly. I am reaching out to friends, family and facebook (look at that alliteration!) and I would really appreciate any help I can get.

This project is something I have probably had in the works for many years, but having the amazing responsibility of getting to raise this precious little girl is what has pushed me in the right direction to get this done.

I'm not sure I will share with everyone completely what the idea is just now as it is still developing even in my own mind, but I do promise once it's finished, I will share with all! But in general, it is a gift I would like to give her throughout her life, lessons of how to be a strong, confident young lady. 

This is actually a gift parents just give their children without thinking about it, you parent everyday, you make decisions that will help mold your child into who they will be at every turn. So, I am reaching out to compile all the good (and bad, too because the bad is what helps us grow) you have found in your own parents, your own parenting. You don't need to be a parent to help me out with this. I am new at being a mom, I am new at having a daughter, but I am not new at being a daughter or having a mother, so the lessons I learned as a child will also be incorporated into how I parent. 

I'm really excited about this project and I am confident my friends and family will be able to contribute greatly to it, so thank you in advance! 

Now, onto what I need from you! (And please prepare for this list to continue, on Facebook, on this blog, through conversation, etc. so don't hate me for getting all philosophical on ya for the next...however long this may take me:)

If you had to define beauty in a way that would help a child understand, what would you say? Some words you might use? 

What are some things you want your child(ren) to know about life lessons as they grow up? Example; how to be confident in themselves and keep trying even if they fail? 

Anything your parents or family taught you either literally or by example that have stuck with you as you grew? Maybe something you wish you had learned in an easier way? (Side note: I fully understand that everyone must live their life, have their experiences and make their own mistakes to learn from them, but in a perfect world, if I tell you that you will burn yourself by touching a fire, you will not touch that fire:)
What are some ways you could convince your child to follow their dreams, or what was something that touched you and convinced you to keep going when all seemed lost?

If you could write a letter or even a book to your child, what would you want to say to them? 

Any little bit helps! If a word comes to mind to "define" beauty or strength to you, send me just that word. If you have an anecdotal story or experience, I'd love to hear it! If you can answer one or all questions or have any thoughts on this subject at all, please let me know!

You can leave your comments on here, on Facebook or email me!
Thank you!